Our vision was to democratize sales forecasting, making it accessible and user-friendly for all organizations, particularly SMEs. We aimed to develop a tool that allows precise forecasting for individual products, enabling smaller businesses to compete with larger enterprises.
Product Development
Data Availability: Initially, we lacked the necessary data to build an effective sales forecasting model. Significant time and resources were dedicated to creating and sourcing this data.
User-Friendly Presentation: We needed to ensure that the model’s output was easily understandable for users. This led to the development of intuitive graphs and visualizations.
External Factors: Incorporating external factors such as market trends or events that could impact sales was another challenge. We addressed this by allowing users to manually adjust forecasts based on anticipated influences.
Data Integration: Facilitating seamless data input from users was critical. We developed a feature for users to upload past sales data via CSV files, ensuring ease of use and accuracy in forecasting.